Sunday, December 20, 2009

How could He love us so?

How could He love us so?

How could He love us so?

How could He love us so?

How could He leave His throne in Heaven, to be born into the filth of mankind? How could the Creator, choose to be the creation? When we had hurt him so... The first man and woman that he created, chose disobedience and touched what they should not have touch, tasted what they should not have tasted. There fist born son murdered his brother because of jealousy... and it goes on, and on, and on....

We are such a selfish people! Bent on getting our own way, not counting the cost of our selfish ways. We place ourselves on a throne, We exalt ourselves up in our own eyes, wanting to be our own gods. We say, " Oh look at the sovereignty of might man" With our heads lifted up, and our chest puffed out, we walk around in arrogance. We hold on to our pride, like it is our treasure, it is our right.

Why did he not just put an end to our selfishness? Do away with mankind once and for all... In the time of Noah, he was the only righteous man in all of the world. Why didn't he just pull him up to heaven and do away with the rest? Why did he bother with our selfishness?

Why did he lower himself? Why did He choose a stable to be born? Why did he choose a teenage mother, and a humble carpenter for a father? Why did he choose to be born in such an insignificant town as Bethlehem? Why did he choose to hang out with the lowly people... the sick, and the needy? Why did he choose fishermen, and tax collectors to be his best friends? Why was he willing to die on a cross, meant for the worst kind of criminals? Why did he remain silent, when Pilot asked him to plead his case? Why did he allow them to beat him, and spit on him, and pound nails into his hands, and ridicule him, and laugh at him, and tear his clothes off of him? He didn't have too! He could have had his angles carry him away, but he didn't... He chose to die on the cross, just like He chose to come to earth... Why?

The only thing that makes sense is so that We would learn to walk in Love, as He walked in Love. So that we could learn to sacrifice for other peoples good, and not our own. So we could be made right in God's sight, by His blood. He gave us Love! He laid down His life so that we could have life in Him!

What is our response to Him? What is your response to Him? What do you choose to do with what He gave?

I pray you choose love in every situation, in every relationship. He loved us when we were ugly and nasty to him. He loved us when we put Him on a cross, and He prayed, "Father forgive them for the know no what they are doing." I pray you choose love today. I pray that you will walk as Jesus walked. Even when people don't receive you like you think they should. Even when people have hurt you, and said all kinds of evil against you, I pray you can find it in your heart to forgive.

Psalm 34:13-15 (New International Version)

13 keep your tongue from evil
and your lips from speaking lies.

14 Turn from evil and do good;
seek peace and pursue it.

15 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their cry;

I pray this finds you well, and if it doesn't then maybe it will in time. The Lord reconciled us to Himself, because He chose to lower Himself. Will you?

Peace to you.


  1. VERY well said, Jennifer. Thank you for giving me something to think about. You know I needed it.

  2. I think we all need this message Lanita. Thankyou for recieving it with an open heart. You are dearly loved!

  3. Thank you for the encouragement to "choose love". Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard. But we always have a choice! :)
