I have not blogged in such a long time. We have been staying busy and I rarely find time to sit for a while in peace and quite to collect my thoughts and write. I guess these are just the days of activity, and I am happy with that. One day my boys will be grown, and I will miss the conversations that we have, I will miss the questions, and the jokes and stories they tell me. One day they will be grown and have families of there own to care for. Then it will be quiet and I will have more than enough time to sit and reflect on my thoughts....
We have studied wars that involved the United States for the last six months, and the the men in my house have really enjoyed learning about it. I have had my full share of blood, guts, and dying men for a while. I have a new appreciation for our military men and how much they truly sacrifice to keep us safe and free. I also appreciate their families who are left at home waiting for there husbands, sons, or dads to come home...and the ones that have had to endure them not coming home...Thank you is just not enough...sometimes there are not words to express something to deep, and costly.
We have started a new study on botany and I am really enjoying it. So far we have made a miniature green house for seedlings, planted tomato seeds, cabbage, and broccoli. In a few more days we will be planting onion, leek, and pepper seeds. We plan on building a cold frame to keep the plants in while the temperature outside is still to cold for them to be totally exposed. We are also in the process of enlarging a vegetable garden at my Mom and Dads house, that will hopefully supply enough produce for two families. I am really looking forward to the warmer days of working in the garden.
We have also been learning how to shoot hand guns, and have had many wonderful trips to the woods, and to the shooting range together. My men are excellent shots, and I am doing pretty good....but I know I need lot's more practice. For my birthday my Dad bought me a nice little gun that I really enjoy shooting. It fits nicely in my small hands, and the slide is easy for me to pull, and I can load it easily myself.
Well, this has been a little of what we have been up to lately. I hope I can find time in the next few days to post some other things. Right now my dinner is going to burn if I don't go attend to it.